Alhamdulillah...kali ini PROJEK DIY Jus Lega. TANPA gunakan bahan tambahan air... Semuanya menggunakan 100% pati dari bawang putih,Halia,Lemon,Madu Tualang,apple cider. Jus ini, memang menggu…
Read more »Lots of couples think that getting pregnant is an easy task. They think that they can hold off being parents until their late 20s or early 30s and still get pregnant. Here's a fact: by…
Read more »Kali ini SA nak review gadget dapur lagi.Alhamdulillah, setelah penat lelah si isteri selalu duduk di dapur blend segala jenis buah dan ulam untuk dijadikan segala jus untuk sang suami.Penat t…
Read more »Okay..selamat malam semua.Malam malam macam ni,SA rasa nak menulis entri.Ermm.. kan.Alkisahnya,malam jumaat.Mula lahh,SA nak bercerita..Seram ke ape ni? ehehe..baca jelah dulu. Sejak dua men…
Read more »Selamat pagi..Happy diwali kepada kaum hindu di serata dunia.Hehehehe.. Hati hati bermain mercun ya. Berbalik kepada tajuk entri,Mesti ada tertanya tanya apa itu KOMACI .Bagi yang tau,alhamdul…
Read more »Hello! I'm Nor Azlina Mohd Ali, a passionate Ghostwriter who loves to share insights on my journey in writing and lifestyle. I started this blog to connect with like-minded individuals and to express my thoughts on various subjects related to writing, creativity, and personal development.
When I'm not blogging, you can find me exploring new ideas, reading books, or engaging with my community. Thank you for visiting my blog! Feel free to reach out to me through the contact form or connect with me on social media.
Website created by Nor Azlina Mohd Ali